Miguel Pagan Fernandez, Chief Technical Officer Stada (Credit: Stada Arzneimittel AG)

German pharma group Stada opens €70 million facility in Romania’s Turda

Bad Vilbel-headquartered German pharmaceutical company Stada has inaugurated a major new production site and supply-chain hub in Turda city in southeastern Romania, that will contribute to security of medicines supply in Europe by supplying more than 150 million packs per year. Following a total investment of more than €70 million the facility is now fully validated and approved, with initial shipments underway.

The Turda facility supports the sustainable supply of prescription medicines such as antidepressants, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as medicines to treat diabetes, high cholesterol levels and hypertension. Furthermore, it is shipping a wide assortment of consumer healthcare products to enable self-care from its automated warehouse that has capacity for 7,400 pallets. The 100,000 sq m greenfield site, on which construction started in late 2022, offers room for expansion in the future.

By leveraging industry-leading design concepts and technologies, the production and supply-chain hub located in Cluj County, Transylvania reinforces Stada’s commitment to sustainable medicines provision in Europe. Ecologically-friendly packaging materials are a key focus, while photovoltaic solar panels and low-energy lighting minimize carbon emissions. Already, around 45% of STADA’s electricity consumption comes from renewable sources, helping STADA to rank among the top 6% of pharma companies worldwide on sustainability.

“Amid the ongoing discussions about how best to secure a sustainable supply of critical medicines in Europe, STADA is proud to make this major EU investment that will help to ensure patients can access the medicines they need,” stated STADA’s Chief Technical Officer, Miguel Pagan. “Having implemented industry-leading concepts in design, construction and energy conservation, the group is also playing its part in environmental sustainability.”

Stada facility in Turda, Romania (Credit: Stada Arzneimittel AG )

The site in Turda’s Aries Industrial Park is strategically located at the heart of STADA’s European markets, and within the European Union, offering close connections and synergies with testing laboratories in Timisoara, Romania, as well as several key production facilities in the Western Balkans region and the group’s consumer healthcare center of excellence in Třinec, Czech Republic.

“Working closely with national and local authorities, this state-of-the-art facility has created almost 400 jobs in Cluj County,” explained Mihai Fugarevici, general manager of STADA Romania. The Turda site further enhances our capacity to deliver quality healthcare products, not only in Romania, but throughout Europe.”

Stada corporate headquarters, Bad Vilbel, Germany (Credit: Stada Arzneimittel AG)

Stada was founded in Dresden in 1895 as a cooperative pharmacy. After World War II, the company was relocated to Essen and Tübingen. In 1956 it was moved again to Bad Vilbel and in 1970, Stada began trading on the Frankfurt stock exchange as a public company.

The leading manufacturer of high-quality pharmaceuticals focuses on a three-pillar strategy consisting of consumer healthcare products, generics and specialty pharma. Worldwide, the company sells its products in more than 100 countries.

In financial year 2023, Stada achieved group revenues of EUR 3,734.8 million and reported earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of EUR 802.1 million. As of 31 December 2023, it employed 11,667 people worldwide. Stada is involved in various charity projects and sponsoring activities