Romanian daily market news

Romania Market News – 14/12/23


Romania’s central bank latest Financial Stability Report (December 2023) shows that the main systemic risks to financial stability have remained the same since the previous Report, yet global economic and geopolitical uncertainties have amplified. Of the four systemic risks, two are assessed as severe, of which the risk from external developments is seen becoming more relevant in the period ahead.

-Romania’s industrial production fell 2.3% in unadjusted data in October 2023 on an annual basis, due to the drops recorded for the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (-5.4%), manufacturing (-1.9%) and mining and quarrying (-1.5%), the National Institute of Statistics (INS) showed.

-The average net salary in Romania rose 2.2% in nominal terms in October 2023 to RON 4,692 (EUR 944), y-o-y, according to INS.

-Credit Rating Agency Fitch Ratings has affirmed Garanti BBVA Romania’s (GBR) Long Term Issuer Default Rating at ‘BB-‘ with a stable outlook and the lender’s Viability Rating (VR) at ‘bb-‘.

-Roughly half (48%) of Romanians believe that the communist regime was a good thing for the country, according to a new survey conducted by INSCOP Research for The same survey revealed that over 46% also believe that life before 1989 was better compared to the present situation.



EUR 4.9720GBP 5.7697
USD 4.5587CHF 5.2362
BGN 2.5421MDL 0.2567

(Source: National Bank of Romania BNR)


BET 0.61%, BET-TR 0.62%, BET-FI -0.51%, BET-NG 0.76%, BET-XT 0.50%,
BETXT-TR 0.50%, BET-BK 0.37%, RO-TX 0.19%, BETAeRO 0.18%


Bucharest stocks closed in the green on Thursday in line with rest of Europe as investors reacted positively to the monetary policy announcements from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank.
(Graph source: BVB)