In the first half of 2024, Romania’s GDP recorded an annual growth of 0.7% for the unadjusted data series and 1.5% for the seasonally adjusted data series in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period of 2023, provisional estimates from the National Institute of Statistics (INS) showed on Friday (Sept 6).
During the period under review, the following economic activities made positive contributions:
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (+0.2%), with a share of +1.8% of GDP formation and whose volume of activity increased by 10.9%; Shows, culture and recreation activities; repair of households goods and other services (+0.2%), with a share of +3.9% of GDP formation and whose volume of activity increased by 6.6%; Construction (+0.1%), with a share of +5.4% of GDP formation and whose volume of activity increased by 1.0%; Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport and storage; hotels and restaurants (+0%), with a share of +23.2% of GDP formation and whose volume of activity increased by 0.2%; Information and communication, with a share of +7.8% of GDP and did not contributed to the GDP increase (+0%) and the volume of activity remained the same; Financial intermediation and insurance, with a share of +2.2% of GDP did not contributed to the GDP increase (+0%) and the volume of activity has decreased by -0.9%; Public administration and defence; social insurance of public sector; education; health and social assistance, with a share of +14.2% of GDP formation of GDP did not contributed to the GDP increase (+0%) and whose volume of activity increased by 0.2%;
A negative contribution was recorded by the next industries:
Industry (-0.1%), with a share of +17.5% of GDP and whose volume of activity decreased by -0.6%; Real estate activities (-0.1%), with a share of +7.6% of GDP and whose volume of activity has decreased by -1.6%; Professional, scientific and technical activities; activities of administrative services and support services (-0.1%), with a share of +7.6% of GDP and whose volume of activity has decreased by -1.3%;